Welcome to your virtual library orientation!  For this quest, you will need to navigate the building as instructed and answer questions using the library’s website, library.law.uconn.edu (so you will want to have that page open in another tab).  You’ll find the answers on the library’s website when prompted and input them in the game itself to advance on your quest.  You can interact with orange objects and characters by bumping into them, and brown arrows and 3/4 box doors get you from room to room once you've entered the building.  If you are on a computer, use the directional keys to navigate, and if on a phone, you should be able to move your character by touch.  Make sure to click on the game box itself to get started and swipe or use the directional keys to advance the text.  If you run into any technical difficulties, feel free to reach out to one of the designers (and a reference librarian), Adam at adam.mackie@uconn.edu, and he'll respond during working hours.  

Reading instructions is so important to your success during law school, so hopefully you have gotten this far.  Paying close attention to the instructions in the game will make all the difference in succeeding in your quest.  Consider it your first law school test, which we are confident you’ll all smash!  Another lesson though is don’t be afraid to ask questions when you have them.  So if you run into trouble, don’t hesitate to get in touch!!  The real takeaway here is that we’re always happy to help!!!

Useful links and information for your quest:

Quest order: 1) Front Desk (Circulation); 2) Study Rooms; 3) Reference Librarian; 4) Café 

Useful links for your first year: